Complimentary Travel Insurance
Your travel date is set, your itinerary is planned and you're all ready to explore the world. As excitement is brewing, the thought of experiencing an emergency during your trip is probably the last thing on your mind.
Preparing for the unexpected while abroad
Travel mishaps can occur when least expected, baggage delay, to journey cancellation. The dangers only increase when travellers are unaware and unprepared. This is where Complimentary Travel Insurance can assist you.
Complimentary Travel Insurance is a travel insurance plan exclusively available for DCS Credit or Charge Card Members. Sign-up for a DCS Card now to enjoy the free insurance* coverage when you travel abroad!
Complimentary Travel Insurance provides coverage in the event of:
- Accidental Death & Permanent Disablement
- Flight Delay Due to Misconnection of Flight
- Baggage Delays
- Journey Cancellation
- Loss of Travel Documents and more